As I sip some sangria after a good end-of-year dinner with my in-laws, fireworks going off outside my window...I reflect back on 2006 and think...
BOY AM I GLAD THIS YEAR IS OVER!Overall, it was an OK year, but it started to go downhill very quickly over the first 6 months, and then picked back up towards the end. It's just something I want to put behind me.
With all that said...on with the pictures!
The year started with a bang...
...and the first day closed with a beautiful sunset.
Some people learned how to find their own paradise...
...and others how to guard it.
Jack Bauer started to have another long, bad day...
...and I learned that there could be times that I would have a bad day as well.
I met people who had crabs...
...and knew how to put a needle into space.
I became a villain...
...while mending some fences...
...and welcoming others into our world.
Some people should learn that fairy wings will never get them off the ground...
...while others tried to find a good roofer for their house.
The cast of "The Birds" visited my work...
...but stayed away from other tall structures.
I rode on some cool rides...
...and watched others do some cool glides.
I surveyed my damage from the air... I traveled to Philly in search of a good cheese steak.
I met up with good friends...
...and great times were had by all.
I found out that they eat lots of Spam in Camelot...
...while waiting to see David Gilmour begin his U.S. tour.
Central Park had lots of neat surprises...
...while I had my sweet revenge on certain people across the pond.
Some recoiled at the price of gas...
...and others were rather polite, if unsophisticated, dinner guests.
I tried new things...
...and learned that most probably don't suit me.
While some visited for the extravagant flowers... one left any for me.
I searched high and low...
...for more good friends to see!
Taking in the wider view...
...before taking in the higher temperatures.
Chillin' by the falls...
...while watching the day...
...turn to night.
Fishin' in the mountains...
...while smaller creatures fished for their dinner.
We celebrated our nations birthday...
...and another famous institution's shortly afterwards.
We finally got our new roof...
...while I was running into...
...(or infamous)...
...of all shapes and sizes...
...but mostly the type you wanted to be around.
I got to go to Europe again... I could watch my home TV from afar.

Windmills still serve some purpose there...
...but mostly, as with most landmarks, they're usually more pretty than functional.
I had the world's best beer...
...while touring around Belgium...
...and finding out just why they call it the Grand Place.
I met distant relatives I'd only ever heard about my entire life (and vice-versa!)...
...and learned what 'red lights' are all about...
...while finding the world's smallest car.
Sunsets on the West Coast (of Florida)...
...will always beat out snakes on planes.
When hurricanes draw near, people panic and line up for gas...
...while the smarter people enjoy the sunsets.
I learned who will and won't negotiate with terrorists...
...and who we send in, if there are any terrorists here to begin with.
I had some great views of some great cities...
...while having a great time celebrating with some close friends!
Some people knew what their goals were... did others.
The house was targeted...
...but the fish survived.
Some friends just didn't know when to get away from me...
...and others knew how to find me even when we'd never met.
I continued to hang around famous people...
...and the not-quite-so-famous, but long missed!
A friend returned in one piece from Iraq (thanks for your service, Weepus!)...
...while the Australian Pink Floyd pondered Us and Them.
Other friends came down to South Florida...
...and even I got out of town again before the end of the year.
The Shuttle got off to a great launch...(NOTE: Not my photo, my photos did not turn out as nice...)
...while we enjoyed the Christmas lights...
...and made apple pies.
We had a great Christmas...
...and finished up the year with close friends.It was a decent year...but I'm looking forward to the potential for 2007 to be a breakout year for everyone.
I wish you the best in the New Year to come...may be it be happy, joyous, prosperous and safe!
One last note...

R.I.P. Vicente!
We miss you and love you very much!