The time after a storm can be rather interesting, especially when you see how nature decides it wants to recover. I love watching our lake, and seeing what birds and other wildlife come to live in or near it. So, watching the wildlife return is also a nice way to 'recover' from the storm as well...

What's interesting here is the color of the bark of the Australian Pine tree in the center of the photo. More specifically...that reddish-orange color isn't the bark, it's where the bark has been stripped from the tree by the winds.

My neighbor found this iguana in her yard, seeking shelter.

I offered to hold it a little bit better. To be honest, it was really tame. It never tried to bite me, or even scratch me (it had long, sharp claws). This was either someone's pet that got away, or it was really shellshocked.

He did start to get a little agitated after being held for awhile. He whipped his tail at me and my neighbor. Really well, too...gotta give it credit, it really knows how to wield his tail! I put him in a nearby tree, and he stayed still long enough for me to get a couple shots like the one above.

A comorant came by the lake. It dried its wings for awhile, and then moved on.

Sunset. end to a hellish day, and Mother Nature provides atleast a spectacular end to it.

Another take on it, with some slight color adjustment.

One last take on it. This may be my favorite shot.

Night. No night lights...just one lone antenna with it's hazard light atop. The glow is from some lucky place that had some electricity...
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