Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Play along at home now!

U.K. hotel room observations...

Something to hold you over
Here's a photo to hold you over for now, taken on the way back from the restaurant we ate at tonight. This is typical of the weather pattern we've had for the trip. Including the lack of daylight (the fact it was taken at 9:41pm at night is no excuse for the lack of daylight...).

UPDATE 12/3/2005: I've back-filled and added pictures since this blog was posted.
A good cop/bad cop dinner...
The fish was a sea trout...but it had bones. Small, just thicker than a hair-like bones. Drove me freaking nuts. I only ate half of it. I was so paranoid about swallowing them that I couldn't take it.
It's 3:53pm...
...and the pathway lighting outside just came on. Boy it gets dark early here in the UK in the winter!
The blog is awake
Went to sleep...finally...at 10:45pm last night (5:45pm Eastern) and woke up after 7 hours at 5:45am (12:45am Eatern). I'm so glad I jumped time zones...
Internet access at the hotel is expensive, but I will be using it tonight and posting photos. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
British Chinese...restaurants...
The blog is tired
Flying over Europe
Tiny bubbles...
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....Italian style
Waiting for our next flight, and the snow is falling heavily...a thick, wet snow. And we need to go out on the tarmac to get to our plane. Yay....
Pictures from Milan

Got to Milan!

And, in what would be proper U.S. TSA fashion, except we're not in the U.S., we have to go through security...again!
Bah, it's only 2:30am for me...I can take this!
Coming into France now...
...just south of La Rochelle and north of Bordeux.
Breakfast was a warm biscuit with..i.I think...turkey, and possibly cheese. And a small danish. And coffee. And orange juice. And water.
Flight update
We're over the Bay of Biscay, just about to start flying over France, and I haven't gotten up all flight. Haven't really needed to. I'm on my 4th movie...couldn't sleep. Just got done with Mr. & Mrs. Smith...an excellent movie....and I just started Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Not a bad movie selection overall.
They turn on the cabin lights...time for breakfast (it's 6:30am in Italy). Yum! Wonder what we'll get.
An hour and 35 minutes to go.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Blogging from halfway across the Atlantic
Nice plane...777...in economy. All the alcohol you want to drink (I'm 4 glasses of red wine down), dinner was a beef dish, and I'm into my second movie (Fantastic Four, first was The Island). My seat even has it's own coat rack. The night sky is beautiful. Lotsa stars.
37,000 feet. 2302 miles since we left. 646 mph. -76 degrees F outside. 2597 miles to go.
Off to the UK! The long way!
It's going to be a long, long flight.
I leave Miami at 4:35pm Eastern and arrive in Milan at 7:55am (1:55am Eastern). I then leave Milan at 12:35pm (6:30am Eastern) and arrive in Birmingham at 1:35pm (8:35am Eastern). I will be at meetings from 8am-5pm (3am-12pm) Wednesday and Thursday. Friday I have a 6:30am flight out (1:30am Eastern), arriving home at 2:35pm (Eastern) after switching planes in Paris.
Sounds luxurious, doesn't it?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Evil ducks....unite!
Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

Okay...they didn't get up and sing and dance for me. Unfortunately.