1 gallon = 3.7852 liters
1 U.K. pound = 1.73 U.S. dollars
1 U.K. pound = 1.73 U.S. dollars
With that...let's do our math:
1 gallon of gas in the U.S. is ~$2.35 per gallon
1 liter of gas in the U.K. is (per the photo above) 87.9 pence (or .879 pounds)
1 liter of gas in the U.K. is (per the photo above) 87.9 pence (or .879 pounds)
To convert the price to be per gallon, we must multiply it times 3.7852:
.879 * 3.7852 = 3.3271 pounds per gallon, rounding to 3.33 pounds per gallon
3.33 pounds * 1.73 dollars (per pound) = $5.76 dollars per gallon
3.33 pounds * 1.73 dollars (per pound) = $5.76 dollars per gallon
$5.76 per gallon of gas?!?!
I'll complain less about our prices. Not a whole lot less...but a little bit less.
I'll complain less about our prices. Not a whole lot less...but a little bit less.
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