This is just blog of some random musings of mine, mostly a pictorial blog of the world around me. Enjoy!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Almost time to head home...(Day 6)
Got out of work early today from the customer...and I had eight hours to kill before my flight. What to do...what to do...
Drive through the Microsoft! (I, appropriately, flipped 'em off...)
This is some weird sculpture-buoy-think in the harbor as I crossed over from Redmond...
Let's visit the Science Fiction Museum and Hall-of-Fame!
HAL 9000! Of course...looking over my shoulder...
I caught a fish THIS big...It's the loader that Ripley used in Aliens when fighting the queen alien...speaking of which...
G'kar's outfit from Babylon 5...
Ambassador Molari's outfit from Babylon 5...
...and, finally, Delenn's!
The Space Needle at night...
Me inside a replica of a Gemini space capsule at the Boeing Imax Theater.
Speaking of Imax...groovy 3D glasses...and I saw a great movie ("Walking on the Moon") there...
Well, time for the one is my flight...
The Winner of the "Strangest Business Concept That Originated From A Decent Idea". Someone sat around and said...hmmm...people's cell phones run low on battery power, How can we help? I know, we'll make a device that lets people recharge their phones. All they have to do is pay us...and hook up the phone...and then stand around...for THIRTY MINUTES....Yeah. Thirty freakin' minutes. Just wrong...I could never sit around for that long. Just give me a new battery or something...
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