I came home today from an eye doctor's appointment, eyes dilated...when I went into my backyard, squinting, to find a toy one of my kids lost in the grass. As I'm walking along, peering into my neighbors lawn where she had been playing, I see a small dark spot in the grass, and then a tiny yellow mouth open up at me...it was a baby bird that had fallen from it's nest.
I didn't know what type of bird it was, but it was in the sunlight, in the open, and the next dog/cat that wandered by was about to have a nice meal, so I took it inside, put it in a small box, put a sock over it to keep it warm (I had the A/C on inside) and then tried to figure out what I was going to do.
I called my mother, who recommended I call my oldest sister, who apparently had experience in such things. After talking with her, we had a plan of action. While waiting to put the plan of action into motion, I had to wait for my wife to return home to help me. It was during that time that I realized it was a baby mockingbird, and the parents were looking for it. While I was waiting, I put it next to the tree it had apparently fallen from and made sure it was safe.
1 comment:
Yeah, baby! Thus belying the myth of 'human scent,' keeping parents away!
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